NYA firefighters recently installed 61 stovetop extinguishers in all the apartments in Peace Village using funds raised from the fire prevention calendar.
Fire Chief Steve Zumberge says each of the $50 heat-activated extinguishers are key to help area residents. “Every year we sell ads to all the local business and designate all the funds to fire prevention in the community,” he said.
Thus far, Zumberge was unsure of where this year’s calendar proceeds will go towards, but is asking the community for their support of the annual calendar that gets delivered to everyone in the fire district. “One of our goals is to get all the non-sprinkled apartments in NYA covered with stovetop fire extinguishers,” he said.
Zumberge said advertising space in the calendar is limited so firefighters will first reach out to previous supporting businesses before calling new supports. Zumberge encourages local business and community members to contact him if they would like to support the calendar by calling 952-467-1806.
Also, Zumberge added that firefighters will soon mark National Fire Prevention Week held Oct. 9 to 15 and also residents should be sure to switch out the batteries of their smoke detectors during the end of daylight savings time on Nov. 6. For more on Fire Prevention Week, visit http://www.nfpa.org/public-education/campaigns/fire-prevention-week.